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It is possible if you were able to faithfully reproduce the conditions they grow in naturally. The Horticultural domes in Milwaukee Wisconsin have been able to get vanilla orchids to bloom but they haven't borne any fruit as of yet

Bear in mind however that all commercial attempts to cultivate vanilla outside of a relatively narrow band (10-20 degrees to either side of the equator) have been failures

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Q: Is it possible to grow vanilla beans in northeast America?
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Is vanilla white and are the vanilla beans on the inside white?

Vanilla is black and so are the insides of vanilla beans

What is vanilla paste?

Vanilla paste is a product that pastry chefs sometimes use instead of vanilla beans. It is made from chopped vanilla beans and is a thick paste type of extract with vanilla seeds in it.

Where are vanilla beans more commonly grown?

The majority of vanilla beans are currently grown on the coast of Mexico and parts of India. However, 95% of products are flavored with artificial vanilla and not the vanilla bean.

Do you sell vanilla beans?

Yes, I sell Vanilla Beans. Please feel free to contact me Thanks!

How many vanilla beans in a kilogram?

Vanilla beans average 5"- 7" inches in length so there are approximately 140-170 vanilla beans per pound. One kilogram would therefore contain approximately 300 - 375 beans.

What is a vanilla bean?

Vanilla beans are contained in the seed pods of orchids (making it the only fruit bearing member of the orchid family) of the genus Vanilla which was originally native to Mexico. Vanilla planifola, Vanilla tahensis, and Vanilla pompona are the three major variants and are grown around the world in Madagascar, Reunion, etc (Bourbon Islands), Tahiti & other South Pacific Islands, ans Central/South America, respectively. Madagascar (Bourbon) vanilla beans are most commonly used for the vanilla extract you see at the grocers

What does a vanilla bean symbolize?

Vanilla beans are contained in the seed pods of orchids (making it the only fruit bearing member of the orchid family) of the genus Vanilla which was originally native to Mexico. Vanilla planifola, Vanilla tahensis, and Vanilla pompona are the three major variants and are grown around the world in Madagascar, Reunion, etc (Bourbon Islands), Tahiti & other South Pacific Islands, ans Central/South America, respectively. Madagascar (Bourbon) vanilla beans are most commonly used for the vanilla extract you see at the grocers

Is there purple vanilla bean in the world?

There are purple beans but the vanilla bean is brown.

What is vanilla beans made from or of?

Vanilla beans are the seed pods of a type of orchid. The tiny little specks in foods that use vanilla bean as a flavoring are the individual seed from inside the pod.

Are vanilla beans ths same as vanilla pods?

no, vanilla pods are the long black things you get in pots. the beans are the things that rattle inside the pods. a bit like peas and pea pods.

Are vanilla beans a vegetable or a fruit?

a fruit

Are vanilla beans a fruit or a vegetable?

a fruit