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Sort of. Or in other words: almost.

The answer started 160 million years ago, in the oceans. The Biogenic Theory states that microscopic plankton blanketed these ancient oceans; the plankton captured CO2 (carbon dioxide) and used photosynthesis to break the chemical bonds between the carbon and oxygen atoms. When those bonds broke energy was released and the plankton used that energy to move around, split & reproduce, and so on. When each plankton died it drifted to the bottom of the ocean and would settle next to other dead plankton along with other animals and plants.

Over time, as the continents shifted, this organic matter sank deeper into the earth and the carbon was literally cooked by the heat and pressure of the earth. Depending on the depth at which this matter was cooked we ended up with coal & shale, liquid oil, or natural gas.

So, photosynthesis doesn't create fossil fuels directly, but (if you accept the Biogenic Theory) we certainly wouldn' have fossil fuel without photosynthesis occurring inside of plankton. This is why fossil fuels are often called a form of "stored solar" energy.

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Q: Is fossil fuel is produced by the process of photosynthesis?
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Carbon in fossil fuel is obtained from plants by the process of?

Fossil fuel is obtained from plants by the process of photosynthesis.

Is it true that fossil fuel that people use for energy is produced by the process of photosynthesis?

Yes, Fossil fuels are plants that have died millions of years ago and degraded into their elemental components over the course of that time. Plants create their energy from photosynthesis, thus those long dead plants had at one time created that energy by photosynthesis.

Do you agree that the fossil fuel that people use for energy is produced by the process of photosynthesis?

No, fossil fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried and transformed over millions of years under heat and pressure. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into chemical energy, which is a separate process than the formation of fossil fuels.

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Actually it produce the fuel. Glucose is the fuel and it is produced by photosynthesis

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What is produced when they are buring a fossil fuel?

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What is the fuel from photosynthesis?

The fuel produced from photosynthesis is glucose. Glucose is a sugar molecule that plants use as an energy source to fuel their metabolic processes and growth.

What is the result for photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which organisms convert light energy into chemical energy. The outcome of photosynthesis is that chemical energy is produced in order to fuel the organisms living activities. In most cases, oxygen is also produced as a waste product.

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The hydrocarbons used in the fossil fuel are the product of photosynthesis, that took place in the plants of carboniferous age. Since photosynthesis require solar energy, these fossil fuels have also been derived from solar energy.

Carbon monoxide may be produced in the process of burning of fossil fuels?

If the burning is incomplete it will. Ideally perfect burning of fuel produces water vapor and carbon dioxide.