I have no clue,but gooey mulch is good.
Yes they actually sell a grape seed mulch.
Because bamboo is pretty good)
Epoxy is good for chips.
Mulch itself is not alive, however within a few weeks or days there is a lot of life working with mulch to break it down. There are different bacteria and fungi that break it down into humus (not the kind you eat) and other nutrients. This is why you have to continue to apply mulch and also why aged mulch is good to plant in.
A machete is a good tool to use when cutting bamboo. There are several types of machetes. The choice for cutting bamboo would be The Heavy Machete.
Bamboo is very rich in proteins and is also a good thirst quencher.
Eating bamboo
Any leaves are good mulch, especially if they've rotted and molded a little while.
Bamboo clothing I belive does not have an effect on your health.It does help the enviroment.
Yes it would be good for them if you did