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Palm trees produce flowers and fruit.

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Q: Is a palm tree cone bearing or flower bearing?
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Why can a tree be cone-bearing and deciduous?


Can a tree be cone-bearing and deciduous?

No, cone-bearing trees are typically evergreen, meaning they retain their leaves year-round. Deciduous trees, on the other hand, shed their leaves annually.

Cone bearing tree that may reach 300 feet?

The cone bearing tree that may reach height of up to 300 feet are the Redwood Tree. The Redwood Tree is also called a Sequia tree.

Is a spruce tree a dicot or monocot?

Neither, it is a gymnosperm (covered seed, coniferous (cone bearing) plants) . The terms monocot and dicot relate to angiosperms (naked seed, flower bearing plants)

Cone bearing tree starting with s?


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What is a cone bearing tree that starts with S?

Sequoia Spruce.

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What are all example of cone bearing plants?

Some pine trees and Pine cones.

What are examples of flower bearing plants?

Apple tree.

What tree group has mainly flower-bearing and seed-producing plants?

The tree