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Hemlock is not very rot resistant.

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Q: Is Hemlock rot resistant
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Is red pine rot resistant?

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What are the propertys of cedar wood?

Lightweight,dimensionally stable and rot resistant

Which woods are both termite and rot resistant?

Redwood and Wolmanized Lumber

What wood are both termite and rot resistant?

Although all wood will rot in due time but pine and oak will last longer

Which woods are both terminate and rot resistant?

Redwood, cypress, and cedar are termite and rot resistant. These are softwoods and may not last as long as hardwoods.

What has the author Terry L Highley written?

Terry L Highley has written: 'Micromorphology of degradation in western hemlock and sweetgum by the brown-rot fungus Poria placenta' -- subject(s): Sweetgum, Fungi, Western hemlock 'Controlling decay in waterfront structures' -- subject(s): Waterfronts, Inspection, Maintenance and repair, Wood, Deterioration 'Properties of cellulases of two brown-rot fungi and two white-rot fungi' -- subject(s): Brown rot, Wood-decaying fungi

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The disadvantages of Ash wood is that it is not as rot proof or water resistant as other hard woods. If it is left untreated, it will rot quickly.

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Why is cedar rot resistant?

Cedar doesn't rot because it is water resistant and if it isn't sealed it will last you pretty long. It can last up to 8 years if not sealed *After "8 years" then what? Cedar rots like any other wood if you wait long enough. How long depends on factors such as how much water can get trapped where two cedar parts touch or how severely it is constantly dried out (dry rot).