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It's about as poisonous as non-Bt brinjal, UNLESS you are a member of the Lepidoptera insect family. In that case, it means certain death.

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Q: Is BT- brinjal poisonous
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Related questions

What is the full form of bt brinjal?

Bacillus thuringiensis

What does Bt stand for in Bt Brinjal?

Bt stands for bacillus thuringiensis, a common soil bacterium toxic to lepidopteran insects. When "Bt" is placed before a plant name, such as in "Bt Brinjal" (the brinjal is known in the US as eggplant), it means the plant has been genetically modified to produce a protein toxic to certain insects in the same way the bacteria does.The protein has not been shown to be harmful to humans but is controversial in other contexts.

What does ''bt'' stands in bt brinjal or bt cotton?

Bt stands for bacillus thuringiensis, a common soil bacterium toxic to lepidopteran insects. When "Bt" is placed before a plant name, such as in "Bt Brinjal" (the brinjal is known in the US as eggplant), it means the plant has been genetically modified to produce a protein toxic to certain insects in the same way the bacteria does.The protein has not been shown to be harmful to humans but is controversial in other contexts.

What has the author Bhagirath Choudhary written?

Bhagirath Choudhary has written: 'The development and regulation of Bt brinjal in India (Eggplant/Aubergine)'

What bacteria is introduced in bt brinjal?

This is a common misconception. There is no actual bacteria introduced by the Bt Brinjal. Only a gene, Cry1Ac, from the common soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, is actually introduced. This forces the plant to synthesize a protein toxic to Lepidopteran insects, so that when they feed upon the plant, they become ill and die.Although still controversial, there is anecdotal evidence of allergenic responses to Bt crops of various kinds.

Is brinjal is moncot or dicot?

Is brinjal is monocotyledons

What we called brinjal in italian?

In Italian, brinjal is called "melanzana."

What is brinjal called in Tamil?

Brinjal is called "kathirikkai" in Tamil.

Will a brinjal sink or float?

A brinjal is likely to sink in water due to its density, as it is mostly composed of water and nutrients.

Is brinjal masculine or faminine in french?

Brinjal or Aubergine in French is feminine

What is the Sanskrit word for 'brinjal'?

The Sanskrit word for 'brinjal' is "vartiṃdaka".

What is the name of the family of brinjal?

Brinjal is eggplant in English so it's a vegetable