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Q: In which climate would you expect to find a plant with smooth thick skin enclosing a gel-filled interior?
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In which climate would you expect to find a plant with smooth thick skin enclosing a gelfilled interior?

A plant with smooth thick skin enclosing a gel-filled interior is likely adapted to hot and dry climates. The smooth thick skin helps prevent water loss through evaporation, while the gel-filled interior can store water for periods of drought. This adaptation helps the plant survive in arid environments where water availability is limited.

What kind of climate would you expect to find in an area with these features interior of a large continent?

In an area located in the interior of a large continent, you would typically expect to find a continental climate. This means that the area would experience significant temperature variations between seasons, with hot summers and cold winters. Precipitation levels may vary, but interior continental regions are often characterized by drier conditions compared to coastal areas.

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"Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get"

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some kind. well what did you expect.

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The coasts of Australia should have a tropical climate.

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mixed forest

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coler the graet lakes

What would you expect the climate of the gulf of Mexico to be like?

warmer than the great lakes