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Q: In which biome would oak birch and willow trees most likely be found?
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Oak birch and willow trees would most likely be found in the biome?

Oak trees would likely be found in a temperate deciduous forest biome, birch trees in a boreal forest (taiga) biome, and willow trees in a wetland biome (such as a marsh or riparian zone). Each tree species has adapted to thrive in its specific biome based on factors like temperature, precipitation, and soil conditions.

What trees live in the tundra?

Some common trees that can be found in the tundra biome include dwarf willow, birch, and alder. These trees are adapted to the harsh conditions of the tundra, such as cold temperatures, permafrost, and a short growing season. The trees in the tundra are typically small and low-growing due to the challenging environment.

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Which organism is not likely to be found in the tundra biome?


The biome most likely to be found on the top of a very tall tropical mountain is the?

The biome most likely to be found on the top of a very tall tropical mountain is the TUNDRA

What trees grow in Iceland?

Forests are sparse in Iceland, but native birch trees are still found. At one time, the birch trees were plentiful. Forestry and grazing sheep thinned the birch forests out. Willow grows as shrubs, but sometimes reaches tree-size.

What natural resources are found in the taiga biome?

The taiga biome is rich in natural resources such as timber (coniferous trees like spruce, fir, and pine), minerals (like iron, copper, and gold), and freshwater resources (rivers, lakes). Additionally, the taiga biome supports wildlife such as bears, wolves, and moose.

Biome Z would likely be found in which of these locations?

Above the tree line in the Rocky Mountains.

What type of biome would mosy likely be found at the top of the highest mountains in the alps?


What type biome would most likely be found at the highest mountains in the alps?

The biome at the highest mountains in the Alps would likely be an alpine tundra biome. This biome is characterized by cold temperatures, low oxygen levels, and thin soil. Plants and animals in this biome are adapted to survive in harsh conditions, such as strong winds and extreme temperature fluctuations.

Can you list four deciduous trees that live in the temperate area?

Maple, Oak, Birch, and Beech trees are common deciduous trees found in temperate areas.

Is paper birch found in BC?

Info on the paper birch