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In Greek mythology Demeter is the Goddess of grains, earth fertility, "seasons", marriage, sacred law, and the cycle of life and death.

Her daughter Persephone, who becomes Godess of the underworld, is attributed to causing spring/ the fluctuation of the seasons. When she is in the underworld with her husband her mother mourns her so much that nothing can grow on the earth (winter) but when they are reunited Demeter is so over joyed everything begins to grow again (Spring).

While in Roman mythology Flora was the Goddess of Flowers and Springtime; and Pomona was the Goddess of fruit trees, gardens and orchards.

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Q: In greek mythology who is the goddess of flowers fruits and springtime?
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I don't think so. . . I know she wears long gowns and carries a basket filled with grain, fruits and flowers.

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