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Go to the following web site. I think it will contain all the information you are looking for. http:/

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Q: If your hydrangea flowers were pink in color what could you add to make the flower blue?
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Related questions

What colors do flowers have?

There are lots of different colors that a color of a flower could be. Yellow, white, red, pink, orange are the most common of the colors of flowers.

What alleles for a flower color could the sex cells carry?

Sex cells could carry alleles for flower color such as red, white, pink, or purple. These alleles determine the specific color expression in the offspring flower. Different combinations of these alleles from the parents contribute to the variation in flower colors seen in the offspring.

Why does ammonia change a flower's color?

AnswerAmmonia diffuses readily through air and water, and since the petals of flowers are usually permeable to air and water, one can hypothesize that the ammonia can diffuse into the flower. Since ammonia is a base, its chemical pH reaction with the flower pigments could potentially cause flower color changes.

What is the collective noun for flower?

It is a 'bouquet of flowers'. A 'bunch of flowers' is also a noun that could be used.

According to greek mythology how did the rose get its color?

When Chloris, goddess of flowers, found the body of a dead nymph, she changed her into a flower. Aphrodite gave the flower beauty, and the rose is many colors, so either goddess could be considered the one who gave it color.

What flower has no flowers?

Sometimes plants are referred to generically as "flowers", botanically this is incorrect as the flower is a specific reproductive organ of plants. A flower that has no flowers, could be interpreted as a plant without flowers, of which there are certain examples: mosses and ferns are plants, but do not have flowers. Gymnosperms such as the pine and conifer also dont have traditional flowers, but bear cones.

What color should be avoided when giving flower in Mexico?

It depends on the occasion, but as a rule of thumb, red-only flowers are reserved just for love interests -- giving red flowers to a married person could put you in a sticky situation. Pink and white flowers symbolize friendship; white-only flowers mean peace. Yellow should be avoided, as in some regions it symbolizes death (as per Day of the Dead). Most flower stand attendants could give you advice on what colors you should get.

Is there a relationship between the colour of a flower and the strength of its scent?

There is not a direct relationship between the color of a flower and the strength of its scent. Scent production in flowers is influenced by various factors such as pollinators, genetics, and environmental conditions. Some flowers may have strong scents regardless of their color, while others might be scentless despite being colorful.

Where are some of the places that one can order cut flowers for delivery?

You could always go to a flower shop. Also, there are online flower shops that will ship flowers to where you want it to go to. There are many options you could choose, but those are some of the options.

Where could one find flowers delivered cheap in the Detroit area?

There are a few different flower shops that deliver flowers cheap in the Detroit area. A few of these shops include Wesley Berry Flowers, Teleflora, and VIVIANO Flower Shop.

Are flower real?

Yes. You could go on and go on images. Then type in "moon flowers" and it will show you diffrent types of moon flowers.

Are bell flowers monocot or dicot?

Bell flowers, also known as Campanula, are dicotyledonous plants, which means they belong to the dicot group of flowering plants. This is based on their seed structure, leaf venation pattern, and other characteristics that distinguish them from monocots.