American Elm Trees grow in the state of Massachusetts in the United States of America. It is Massachusetts national tree also.
The American Elm is the official state tree of Massachusetts.
The American Elm.
The American Elm (Ulmus americana) is the state tree of Massachusetts, chosen for its beauty and historical significance. However, due to the devastating effects of Dutch elm disease, the American Elm has become rare in the state.
The state tree of Massuchusetts is the American Elm.
The American Elm is the state tree of Massachusetts.
The American Elm is the state tree of Massachusetts.
The American Elm is the state tree of Massachusetts.
The American Elm is the state tree of Massachusetts.
Yes, Massachusetts has a state tree. Its name is the American Elm.
The tree at Red's Eats in Wiscasset, ME is an American Elm.
dicot :D
The American Elm was chosen as the official MA state tree in 1941. It was chosen due to the fact that General George Washington took command of the Continental Army beneath an American elm on Cambridge Common in 1775.