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plantation farming of tropical cash crops such as sugar and pineapple required huge numbers of workers who labored long hours in hot climates. the need for labor in the Western Hemisphere turned slave trade into an industry.

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Q: How were plantations and cash-crops connected to the slave trade?
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English involvement in the slave trade was stimulated by the development of plantations in?

English involvement in the slave trade was stimulated by the development of plantations in Jamaica.

How were plantations and cash crops connection to the slave trade?

Plantation farming of tropical cash crops.

How did french profit from the slave trade?

they used slaves on Caribbean sugar plantations

How did the french profit the slave trade?

they used slaves on Caribbean sugar plantations

Portuguese were the first to enter the slave trade and establish large scale plantations using slave labor in?

West Africa

Why was ending the international slave trade not a good thing for slaves?

Slave families were separated, and members were sold to other plantations.

The Portuguese were the first to enter the slave trade and establish large-scale plantations?


What development led to an intensification of the Portuguese involvement in the African slave trade?

Sugar Plantations

Why was Portugal eager to invest in expeditions to Africa?

to sustain their plantations through slave trade with Africa

How were plantations and cash crops connected to the slave?

plantation farming of tropical cash crops such as sugar and pineapple required huge numbers of workers who labored long hours in hot climates. the need for labor in the Western Hemisphere turned slave trade into an industry.

What is the significance of the proximity of slave trade centers to the cotton-growing plantations?

Because the location of the slave trade centers in the south the slaves were able to provide the labor to produce the cotton.

How did sugarcane contribute to the formation if the Atlantic slave trade?

The demand for sugarcane as a cash crop in the Americas led to the intense labor needs on plantations, prompting European colonizers to turn to the transatlantic slave trade to meet these demands. This resulted in the forced migration of millions of African slaves to work on sugarcane plantations, forming a crucial aspect of the Atlantic slave trade.