Their are many kinds of them.
Habanero Hot Peppers - This is the King of the hot peppers. It is absolutely the hottest pepper you can grow. Slightly wrinkled fruit grows one inch long, turning from light green to a fiery orange when ripe.
Thai Pepper - Many people grow this plant as an ornamental. It is attractive in your garden or in a container on your patio or deck. In addition to being a hot looking plant, it's fruit is fiery hot, too. Thai peppers grow about one inch long, and are bright red. When it comes to hot, they take second place. Only Habaneros are hotter. Plants grow about 18 inches tall.
Tobasco Chile Pepper - Best known for it's use in tobasco sauce, tobasco pepper is a real "hottie"with good flavor. They are also good in salsa and stir-fry dishes. Plants grow up to four feet tall. As the 1 1/2 inch fruits ripen, they turn from green to orange to red.
Cayenne Pepper - This pepper is fiery hot. Fruit grows about five inches long, turning from deep green to a brilliant red. It's best known for heating up chili.
Serrano Chili - One of the hottest around, Serrano Chili pepper plants produce an abundance of small fruits, ripening from dark green to crimson. As it's name implies, it is used to make chili sauce and pepper sauces.
Jalapeno Pepper - One of the best known hot peppers is Jalapenos. Most people think this is a pretty hot pepper. Many growers pick the dark green fruit when it reaches 2-3 inches long. If left on the plant, it turns a fiery red when ripe. Jalapenos are great stuffed, or sliced for use in a wide variety of Tex-Mex dishes.
Hungarian Wax - These "medium hot" pepper is especially zesty and attractive when pickled. It is good raw and cooked. 5 to 8 inch long fruit has a smooth skin. They turn from bright yellow to red when fully ripe.
Poblano - As far as hot peppers go, Poblanos are on the mild side. But, they are tasty. They are the main ingredient in Chile rellenos. Poblano peppers are wonderful roasted and peeled. Mature fruit measures 6 inches long and 3 inches wide, and are reddish-brown when ripe.
Cascabella - This is a pungent, cone shaped fruit, just a little over an inch long. Cascabella plants are prolific producers of fruit, that is bright yellow or red when ripe. Try this pepper in salads and sauces.
Anaheim Chili - This pepper has the least "heat". But it has a good flavor. The large, six to eight inch fruit turns from dark green to a brilliant red when ripe. This pepper is popular for drying.
Hole Mole Hybrid - An All American Selection winner. This green pasilla-type pepper grows 7-9 inches long. If left on the plant until mature, it turns a chocolate color. This pepper has a nutty, tangy flavor and is used to make Mole' Sauce. The plant is a good size for containers on patios and decks.
Pepper plants can be red, green, sometimes orange
No, red pepper is not a root. It is actually a fruit, specifically a type of chili pepper. The part that is typically consumed is the fleshy outer layer, while the seeds and inner membrane are usually discarded.
they can grow in ur garden or farms
This tall spiny plant with thistle-like yellow and red flowers is likely a thistle plant, commonly considered a weed. Pepper plants typically have different characteristics such as broad leaves and bell-shaped flowers.
You can check out the answer yourself , by a simple experiment. Plant some seeds in a pot.Wrap it with red Cellophane paper. After some days, you will see that only few plants are grown; but those are tall.
Red pepper should not harm plants in your garden if you sprinkle it around the plants to keep the cats and dogs away. However I would keep it away from the leaves and petals.
80 feet tall
The red pepper is the Hungarian red pepper
you have to grow one blue hot silly pepper, one red moon orchid and one yellow hot silly pepper in this order.When you go back to your garden and the colours are different grow them again.
It is a green bell pepper that is left in the sun to ripen & turns red.
Jam bottle
The red pepper one