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during photosynthisis SOLAR energy is the type of energy which plants turn into chemical energy

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Lupe Hahn

Lvl 13
2y ago
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13y ago

No, chemical energy is not converted into light by plants. However, i believe you simply phrased your question backwards. Plants absorb light energy from the sun and convert it into energy.

In other words, plants don't give off light;)

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6y ago

Nothing. Plants are not "converted" into chemical energy, their materials contain stored solar energy in the form of chemical energy.

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Q: How sun light converted into potential energy by plants?
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Light energy from the sun is converted by plants into?

Light energy from the sun is converted by plants into chemical energy.

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Photons.. and in case of plants - photos interact with the cells and energy is stored there .. remember photosynthesis? or was it something else

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How sunlight is converted into potential energy by plants explain?

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When a bomb explodes, the chemical potential energy stored in the explosive material is rapidly converted into thermal energy (heat), light energy, sound energy, and kinetic energy (expansion of gases).

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Magnesium and hydrochloric acid store potential energy in the form of chemical potential energy. When they react, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, heat, and light.

When a match is burned chemical potential envery is converted to thermal and what energy?

When a match is burned, chemical potential energy is converted into thermal energy and light energy. The heat produced through the burning process ignites the match, and as the match burns, it emits light energy in the form of a flame.