Lavender thrives in warm, well drained soil and full sun. You can keep it moist, but not damp. When the lavender blooms, you can cut it at the bottom and dry for later use. Lavender will come back every year.
<A href=>Here</a>
You should fertilize once before winter and then another during spring.
It literally means "washerwoman"! Roman servants who worked as washerwomen used to add a certain plant to the water, so "lavender" also became the word for the plant. The flower "lavender" is considered the "bush of heaven".
Lettuce and Love Vine (clematis virginiana) are plants. Lily and Lavender are flowering plants.
It is more of a bush type, growing to about 2 feet in height with short runners.
In a plant that grows on a short stem
Well my friend, you have all you have to do is cut off the ones on the top, or the ones sticking out but don't cut off the green bits, that means that they are about to flower so don't cut them, but if you just sort of trim the bush, it makes i look tidier, cleaner and much nicer, you can use pliers or you can just use your hands and pull them off, but i must warn you it hurts your back so grab a stool, and take your time don't rush or you could go wrong but as you cut them, you will get a lovely smell, obviously it's lavender, but have fun lavender bush trimming :)
Lilac bushes can be pruned in the late winter if the bush is overgrown. However, lilacs should be lightly pruned in early spring after they have finished blooming.
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