right after they flowerType your answer here...
Azaleas like acid soil if you use bone meal it takes the acid out of the soil because it has a alkaline reaction in the soil. Don't not use for Azaleas.
You should shape the plant in May and pinch back flowers.
Palatka Azaleas was created in 1936.
Rhododendrons and azaleas are closely related. Rhododendrons have 10 or more stamens per lobe. Azaleas have only five. Most rhododendron are evergreen and azaleas are deciduous.
In Savannah, the azaleas are in bud by the 26th of March, and should be in full bloom by the 30th. With the dogwoods blooming above them, it is a beautiful sight. They will be gone before April is done.
Pepper plants should never be trimmed. Allow them to grow as much as they want.
Yes, you should trim bushes
Azaleas must be grown in an ericaceous soil.
Every four weeks. Because if you trim it to much (like let's say ever two weeks) you will trim it to short and it will bleed.
Yes. Azaleas are very popular garden plants in Australia.
Very difficult to say. The square footage of a house is no real clue as to how much trim there is, or how many doors.