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a wattle needs a lot of light about 30wot of light so thanks for asking the question x

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Related questions

What was wattle made out of?

wattle is made out of a strong and light green stick that helps it looking lovely forever

What does a golden wattle need to survive?

The golden wattle needs rain; to help it grow.Sun; so it does NT always have to be wet.

Why do chickens need a wattle?

Both the wattle and comb have two uses. These appendages are used to attract mates and are also used to cool the chickens. Blood circulates close to the surface of both the comb and wattle allowing for release of internal heat. Chickens do not sweat, they pant and heat is released via the cooler air flow over the wattle & comb.

Are wattle trees in Australia?

The wattle is a variety of acacia.

Why do wattle flowers look yellow?

Wattle flowers are yellow.

Where find the turkey's wattle?

A turkey's wattle is under its beak on its throat.

How does the Golden Wattle reproduce?

The Golden Wattle reproduces through Seeds

Is the golden wattle tree poisonous to animals?

common wattle is it deadly to my cattle

How do you pronounce wattle?

bottle, dawdle,

What is the pouchlike thing in front of the turkey's throat?

It's called a wattle.

Can plants have to much light?

no light is good, but you also need water and not just light

Why is there wattle on the Australian Coat of Arms?

The Golden Wattle is the national floral emblem of Australia.