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Depends actually, palm trees are sold by foot in the U.S and approximately cost varying on your species but they don't vary by that much . A good height is around 70 feet which is the one most business and local governments buy. They are quite expensive, and never fall anything less than $1500 so yes palm trees are expensive but they are easier to maintain than other trees. You never really see brand new palm trees planted, most are planted in schools or other areas and later sold.

Depends on so many things. What country? How big is the palm tree e.g. seedling or near-fully grown?

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12y ago
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13y ago

The easiest way to get out a stump is to do the following, as long as you are comfortable doing it and the stump is away from your house and the stump will fit inside a 5 gallon bucket

1. find a 5 gallon bucket and cut out the bottom so that both bottom and top are open.

2. place bucket over stump and fill with bag of charcoal.

3. douse charcoal with lighter fluid and light.

4.keep watch so that flames do not get out of control.

The charcoal will burn for almost 24 hours but when it is done the stump Will be ashes and you can work the ashes in with the dirt around where the stump used to be. Cover area with top soil and plant grass seed.

This is a inexpensive way of getting rid of the stump, it was taught to me by my dad and he learned it from his dad. It works great as long as you are comfortable doing so.

If not, it will probably cost at least $100 to have the stump ground down, depending on your area.

And not to question your intelligence here, but DO NOT use a plastic bucket for obvious reason. One time I could not find a bucket and used bricks to build a pit around the stump and that worked pretty well too, although it did not burn all of the roots and I had to dig some of them up before I could fill the hole.

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11y ago

The price range of artificial palm trees depaends on where you are looking to make your purchase. The most reasonable is from EBay where prices can start from £44.99 and range to £149.99. However please bear in mind that as EBay is an online aution prices are not fixed. There are other suppliers online - perform a Google - search who will appear n the first page where prices can start from just £29.99. The larger the tree the higher the price.

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15y ago

A king Palm tree normally costs about 10.00-15.00 dollars

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13y ago

A mature palm tree would be very costly. It would nearly cost $20,000.

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12y ago

35,000 US Dollars

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