TREES TREES AND..... MORE TREES! Manitoba has lots of trees and are trying to grow more by littering less and conserving energy.
not enough...
There are many types of trees in the world. There are, at the very least, 1,000 types of trees. ( Spruce, pine, red maple, Chinese maple, cedar, baobab, etc...)
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loads i expect
how wide is manitoba
Plants found in Australia include types of eucalyptus trees, and also different acacia trees. There are also gum trees and many different types of wildflowers.
There are many diffrent types of trees
About 400 different species of trees
The types of forest trees include conifers (such as pine, spruce, and fir trees) and broadleaf trees (such as oak, maple, and beech trees). Conifers typically have needle-like or scale-like leaves and produce cones, while broadleaf trees have broader, flat leaves and produce flowers and fruits.
The population of Manitoba is 1,214,000