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you should water your girls every other day give it justenough water so that the water doesn't seep through your pot.

^ this answer ... eh.

you have to water your plant til the water actually seeps through all the dirt. Mary Jane plants love being watered, so don't ever worry about over-watering them. but yes, water them about every other day. and also, have a fan running on them [ if they are inside ] because unlike the weed that is grown outside, it doesn't get any wind. so when you water them, spray the leaves with some water too, just a spritz. so that it gets some sort of " rain effect ".

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13y ago
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15y ago

It depends upon what kind of weed plant it is; and where you have the plant. Is it inside, or outdoors? If it's inside, is the plant located in a conservatory, greenhouse or hothouse type environment? Do you live in an environment that's drier, or more humid? Otherwise, the general rule is the equivalent of an inch of water once every 7-10 days, or of a half-inch twice within that same time period. The best times to water are outside the hours of high evaporation, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. But go by how the plant and the soil look. Put a screwdriver or a soil probe into the soil. If the screwdriver or probe has nothing sticking, or if it's muddy looking, then the soil is respectively too dry or too wet. What you want is a screwdriver or probe that has little black specks of dirt. That means adequately moist soil. And remember that you can conserve water by collecting rain water, or by using the grey water, not the black water of the bathroom.

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13y ago

Well, if it's a weed plant one would think you wouldn't want it to live. And seeing how you posted this in "Garden Pests" I would assume you don't want it. In that case, I would recommend not watering it all at, seeing how if you do, it would live longer.

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14y ago

Depends on the amount of light, temperature, your set up (hydro, outdoor, aero.), and many other factors. 3 times a day sounds like a good number

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12y ago

If they are outside.. then never the rain will suffice just fine

If inside atleast once every two days

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Q: How many times do you water a weed plant?
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