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Q: How many dandelions can one dandelion produce?
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How many people die from dandelions?

There are no reported deaths caused directly by dandelions. Ingesting parts of the dandelion plant is generally safe for humans and animals.

How can a dandelion growing in the schoolyard be a parent plant to a young dandelion growing miles away from the school?

Dandelions reproduce mainly through wind-dispersed seeds. The seeds can travel long distances carried by the wind, allowing a dandelion growing in a schoolyard to produce seeds that end up growing miles away. This allows a dandelion in one location to act as a parent plant to offspring dandelions growing far from the original plant.

Are dandelion leaves poisonous for cats?

Dandelions may be weeds but they are not poisonous for cats. If your cat pounces on one and eats the leaves, they will be fine.

What roots does a dandelion have?

The dandelion is has a taproot system, which consists of one large primary root, and several small secondary roots. This is why it is so difficult to pull out dandelions completely, without breaking the stem and leaving the root in the ground.

How is a dandelion and a deer different?

Dandelions are a form of weed that grows naturally and abundantly in many parts of the world. Deer are herbivores that are also abundant in many parts of the world.

Where does a dandelion live?

Dandelions live in any places around the world but it has started to become invasive which means it grows only in one spot now which is... UP YOUR A** AND AROUND THE CORNER, DUMB-A**

Is there such thing dundy lion flower?

I believe you may be referring to the dandelion flower. Dandelions are common yellow wildflowers with fluffy seed heads that children often blow on to make a wish. They can be found in many parts of the world and are known for their bright color and abundance in lawns and fields.

How can a dandelion seed's ability to be carried on the wind help reduce competition among dandelion plants?

Dandelions disperse their seeds using the wind. The wind can blow the seed miles away from its parent. Therefore the new dandelion will not have to compete with the parent plant for space or water.

What does dandelions mean in french?

'Pissenlit' is a French equivalent of 'dandelion' [Taraxacum spp].The masculine noun 'pissenlit' is the common French word for 'dandelion'. Its singular definite article is 'le' ['the'], and its singular indefinite article 'un' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'pee-saw-lee'.

Why are dandelions a better competitor than other plants on school fields?

The dandelion produces seeds mainly in spring but continues through summer and autumn. The bitter leaves mean that not many animals eat it, so one flower can survive for many years. Dandelions are also adapted to being disturbed, so being moved doesn't limit their ability to grow. The deep, twisted, brittle root makes it difficult to remove entirely so unless you remove it entirely it will just regrow. The dandelion has a rosette of leaves at its base to help it compete with the surrounding grass. They can grow almost anywhere because of their resilience, and their small parachute like seeds, mean that they can be blown many miles from their mother plant. Dandelions also don't mind being trampled on meaning that they can survive where people walk often.

Why is the dandelion a symbol of survival for Katniss?

Dandelions don't symbolize Katniss' father. On page 388 of Mockingjay, Katniss tells how she and Peeta grow back together and goes on to say that Peeta represent the dandelion in the spring. That instead of the fire and kindled hatred that Gale has, she needs Peeta (who is calm and easy like a dandelion). The color of the dandelion in the spring, yellow, represents rebirth instead of destruction.

What animals eats dandelion?

Deer and rabbits eat dandelion leaves.Birds, such as American Goldfinch, Wild Turkey eat the seeds