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The Cherokee Rose is a woody, evergreen, perennial plant.

  • A climbing shrub, the canes can extend up 12 feet and spread out 15 feet.
  • The rose itself has leaves that are 1-4 inches long
  • Petals are 2-4 inches in diameter.
  • The hip can be 2 inches long and 1-2 inches in diameter
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10y ago

The Cherokee Rose (Rosa laevigata) only comes in one color. It has 5 white petals and a bright "gold" center. The leaves are bright, glossy green and waxy.

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The Georgia state flower is the Cherokee Rose.

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Cherokee Rose - The Walking Dead - was created on 2011-11-06.

Why is the Cherokee Rose named after the Cherokee?

The Cherokee Rose came to the US in 1780. The Trail of Tears was in 1838. The rose grew invasively in the area of the Cherokee, and they were responsible for desiminating it even more, so the rose became associated with the people. Then when the Trail of Tears occurred, a lovely story to tell around the campfires was formed.

What does the Georgia Cherokee Rose stand for?

According to the Trail of Tears legend, the elders prayed for a sign to give the mothers strength to continue the long walk.The rose is white for their tears.The gold center represents the gold take from the Cherokee lands.Seven leaves on each stem represent the seven Cherokee clans.

What is GA state flower?

The Cherokee Rose is the state flower of Georgia. It was designated as the official state flower in 1916 due to its association with the Cherokee people and their history in the region.

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Through photosynthesis.

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The Lineup - 1954 The Cherokee Rose Case - 3.25 was released on: USA: 22 March 1957

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The world Cherokee means Chinese climbing rose with fragrant white blossoms

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The Lineup - 1954 The Cherokee Rose Case 3-25 was released on: USA: 22 March 1957

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The state flower of Georgia is the Cherokee Rose. It is very likely that this is the Georgia state flower in that the Native American Tribe, the Cherokee once had their land here.