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It depends on weather, but it takes several years for an oak tree to decompose after it is cut. If the weather is moist it won't take as many years as it will if the weather is dry.

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cuz the roots is cut

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Q: How long does it take for oak to mature?
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How long is the growth of a oak tree from a acorn to a mature tree?

About 10 years i think but i could be wrong... An oak tree, depending on variety,can take 2 to 300 years to reach maturity.

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How long does it take to mature?

about 4 month from vegetation

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About 82.02 - 114.83 feet (25 - 35 meters) tends to be the mature height of the Royal Oak (Quercus robur).Specifically, the tree is a long-lived, stately tree. Its highest known mature height is recorded at 164.04 feet (50 meters). But that is a rarity.

Which oak drops acorns first?

In general, red oak trees tend to drop their acorns earlier in the fall compared to white oak trees. Red oak acorns mature in one growing season and are shed in the fall. White oak acorns take two growing seasons to mature and are typically not shed until the following spring.

How long does oak tree take to grow?

about 200 years

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No. A mature oak will always be much bigger than an elder.

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