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Firstly a differentiation needs to be made, there are two type of plants which use the same common name "plantain":

Plantago major, which is a broad leaved herb, which germinates after about 7-10 days and shows its first set of true leaves at about 14 days after germination.

The second plantain is the common name for a form of wild banana which is widely grown in the tropics, the fruit are generally bigger, but not as sweet as a banana. They are baked or fried and eaten as a treat.

Germination of Plantain (banana) can be accomplished by using fresh seed, covering lightly in moist soil and keeping warm at about 25 degrees Celsius. The seed can be covered with plastic or glass to assist with germination; this should be opened from time to time to allow fresh air in and so that the seedlings do not rot. Depending on the freshness of the seed germination can be expected within 5-10 days, the older the seed the more sporadic the germination. The formation of the first "true" leaf can be expected between 30 and 40 days after the primary leaf.

The issue with many plants in the "banana family" is they do not produce viable seed, and are propagated asexually via ground shoots and offsets.

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Q: How long does it take for a plantain to put out its first set of true leaves after the seeds sprout?
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