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I put mine in a glass vase with plenty sunlight and water and it grew roots very quickly..about a month maybe less. It looks lovely now.

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Q: How long does it take a willow branch in water to sprout roots?
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Can Weeping Willow twigs develop the harmful disease during the 9 days in water so the roots can sprout?

There has been no harmful disease noted about this.

What mean graph tree?

to take limbs from a tree and place in water so thy sprout roots.

What do the roots of a willow tree show as the y grow toward a water source?

Mangrove...: )

What do roots of a willow tree show as they grow toward the water?

Willow tree roots seek out water and have been known to even come out of the ground and grow into a container above ground that holds water. The process of the root going towards the water is called hydropatterning. Computed Tomography is allowing botanists to study this concept.

Why do you think roots branch out into the soil?

Roots branch out into the soil to anchor the plant firmly in place and to absorb nutrients and water needed for growth. The branching allows roots to explore a larger area of soil for resources.

If you take a palm tree branch off and put it in water will it grow roots?

no, plams are monocotylendonous and do not develop adventicious roots

Do seeds need water to sprout?

Yes seeds need water to sprout.

How many days for flax seeds to sprout in water?

flax seeds can't sprout in water

Does the branch have the same function as a stem?

stem transports water from roots but branches transport from the to leaves

How do you grow grass where grass killer has been sprayed?

Lots of water and patience. Usually the roots are still alive, it just takes them a while before they can re-sprout.

What will happen if you sprinkle water on an open box of dry bean seeds?

If you sprinkle water on an open box of dry bean seeds, the seeds will absorb the water and start the germination process. As a result, the seeds will swell, crack open, and begin to sprout roots and shoots. This is the first stage of the growth process for the bean seeds.

What is willow?

Willow is a type of tree in the Salix genus known for its long, flexible branches and narrow leaves. It is commonly found near water sources and is used in traditional medicine, crafting, and as an ornamental tree in landscaping.