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...They're not the same. Maple trees are like regular trees and pine trees are Christmas trees. Maple trees produce syrup that you can eat. Where-as pine trees make sap but you can't eat that.

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13y ago
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13y ago

No the you should see the difference in the name that gives it away :)

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13y ago

Not sure... but i think they both produce sap

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12y ago

A sugar maple is part of the maple family.

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Q: How is a pine tree and maple tree the same?
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What is the difference between pine and pine trees?

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Maple trees and rosebushes are angiosperms, which are flowering plants. Pine trees, which are Gymnosperms, do not flower.

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Some pine trees do that.

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What is a conifer a oak or a maple or a pine tree?

While the "conifer" term does not exclusively refer to pine trees, the pine tree is the only member of the conifer family out of the three. The oak (and all of it's subsets) belongs to the "magnoliophyta" phylum, whereas the maple belongs to the "angiosperms" subset.

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A spruce tree is a coniferous evergreen (pine needles and cones) and most maple trees are deciduous (leaves fall off).

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Is maple syrup and corn syrup are same?

No, maple syrup comes from the Maple tree. Corn syrup comes from corn.

How are Christmas trees different from maple trees?

A Christmas tree is an evergreen that keeps its green needles all year round. A maple tree is deciduous. It loses its leaves in the autumn and is naked all winter, growing new leaves in the spring.

What are some of the trees and wildflowers?

Some common trees include oak, maple, pine, and birch. Wildflowers you may come across include daisies, sunflowers, bluebells, and violets.

What one doesn't belong pine oak maple birch elm?

Maple does not belong because it is a type of tree that typically does not have needles or cones like the others, which are all types of coniferous trees.

What types of wood are maple and pine wood classified as?

Maple is a hard wood (from a leafed tree) and pine is a soft wood (from a conifer). In this case both wood also have the described character (hard vs soft) not always the case.