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There is a chemical in weed n feed that is harmless to grass but deadly to weeds.

they also put grass fertilizer in it.

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Q: How does weed n feed feed grass but kill weeds?
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Cheap way to kill grass and weeds?

will to kill weeds you can go to home depot and get weeds spray and spray in on or around the weeds and there you go .

Why is it that weed killers do not kill grass?

Selective weedkillers will only kill the targeted weeds. Total weedkillers will kill all green plants. Therefore if the weedkiller does not kill grass but other weeds in the grass, it is a selective weedkiller.

What Grass will grow wild and kill weeds in heat and cold?

Grass will not grow wild and kill weed in hot or cold environments. Weeds will often choke out healthy grass in any temperature.

What is best weed and feed fertilizer?

A great weed and feed to use on St. Augustine grass is Scotts Bonus S Southern Weed and Feed. It will green up and thicken your St. Augustine grass while elimiating most broadleaf weeds including Dollarweed.

What exactly is a "weed wacker"?

A weed wacker is a garden tool that helps to cut long weeds or grass. Or to help trim near the edges. Places that a mower cannot get to or grass and weeds that are too long.

What LESCO product is best to use to kill weeds in newly planted grass?

Weed and Feed is the LESCO product that is best to use to kill weeds in newly planted grass. The product merges duties as a fertilizer and herbicide. Its NPK formula of 18-0-9 will deliver nitrogen, phosphate and potash to ensure hardy turfgrasses with deep green color, strong roots and vigorous blade, leaf and stem growth.

How do you differentiate between grass and weeds?

There is no difference between grass and weeds. A weed is simply a plant growing where you don't want it to. Grass can be a weed in a flower border,or in a vegetable plot ,or on a path. Daisies or other plants may be a weed in a lawn.

Does a goat eat weeds?

Yes, goats eat weeds. They normally eat grass, but they cannot tell the difference between a weed and a piece of grass so they end up eating weeds.

How do you keep weeds and grass from growing in your gravel driveway?

I use weed killer.

Is there a way to rid a lawn of violets without using a pesticide?

weed & feed depending on the type of grass. or MCPA on the weeds.

Can you kill Dichondra without killing grass?

Unfortunately, Dichondra and grass are both broadleaf plants, so it can be challenging to kill one without harming the other. Consider hand-pulling Dichondra, applying a selective herbicide that targets broadleaf plants, or using a barrier method to prevent Dichondra from spreading to the grass. Be careful when using herbicides to ensure they won't harm the grass.

Why weeds difficult to eradicate?

Most people believe that if you take off the top, the weed will die. However you must get the roots out to kill a weed. So, why are weeds difficult? You have to work to kill 'em. Or you could use a chemical weed killer.