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Q: How does water move to the top of a tree against gravity?
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What properties of water help water move up the roots of a tree to the leaves of a tree against the force of gravity?

The properties of adhesion and cohesion in water molecules allow for capillary action, enabling water to move up the roots of a tree. Adhesion causes water molecules to stick to the walls of the plant's xylem vessels, while cohesion keeps water molecules together, allowing them to be pulled up as a column. Transpiration, the process of water evaporating from the leaves, also helps to create a low pressure in the leaves, pulling water up the plant.

5. what is most responsible for the movement of water from the roots to the leaves of a tall tree A. Adhesion B. Capillary action C. Cohesion D. Gravity E. Surface tension?

B. Capillary action. Capillary action, along with cohesion and adhesion forces, allows water to move upwards through the xylem in the tree, from the roots to the leaves. These forces help counteract gravity and allow water to reach the top of tall trees.

Why not trees grow upside down due to gravity force?

Trees have evolved to grow in response to gravity, with roots anchoring them in the ground and branches reaching toward the sky for sunlight. The structure and function of a tree are dependent on this orientation, so growing upside down would not be conducive to its survival. Additionally, water and nutrients would have difficulty flowing against gravity in an upside-down tree.

How does tree octopus move?

the octopus sucks in water and jets it out like a squid

What causes a tree to fall?


How can a man fall from a tree?

easy gravity

Why does a mango fall from its tree?

its because of gravity

What bonds allow water to be pulled from the roots to leaves of a tree?

Hydrogen bonds between water molecules create cohesion, allowing water to be pulled up through the xylem tissue of a tree. Adhesion between water molecules and the xylem tissue walls helps to counter gravity and support this upward movement of water. Transpiration, the evaporation of water from the leaves, also creates a negative pressure that assists in drawing water up the tree.

What does cohesion have to do with transporting water up the leaves of trees?

Cohesion refers to the attraction between water molecules, helping them stick together. In trees, cohesion allows water molecules to form a continuous column up the xylem, creating a tension that pulls water from the roots to the leaves through transpiration. This cohesion-adhesion mechanism helps transport water against gravity in trees.

How do you move a tree?

You move a palm tree like you move any other tree. You dig around the rootball when the tree is dormant in winter and move it with as much root as possible, Watering during the first year after moving is vital.

What makes apples fall from a tree?

Gravity makes an apple drop off a tree

Where does water evaporate in a tree?

Water evaporates through small openings on the underside of tree leaves called stomata. This process, known as transpiration, allows water to move up through the tree from the roots to the leaves and then be released into the air as vapor.