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Bananas are not palms at all, but a related species, so they do not count. Coconuts, Dates, Acai, Saw Palmetto, and other edible/medicinal fruits are grown on palms. Not every palm sets tasty fruit or fruit that is safe to eat! So please, do not go around picking the fruits off palms if you are unsure of the specific species. You wouldn't want to end up in the ER!

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Bria Cummings

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2y ago
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9y ago

Another adaptation is their ability to swim in areas of heavy rainfall.

Most jaguars have orange-brown fur with dark spots, but some have a black-on-black coat to help them hide from prey until they are ready to pounce. The jaguar's spotted coat acts as a form of camouflage in swamp areas and rainforests. This animal has a unique type of spot called the rosette. Unlike other types of spots, the rosette has smaller spots in its center.

Jaguars are also excellent swimmers, which helps them adapt to swamps and other areas with a lot of water. The jaguar's swimming ability makes it easier to catch food or cool off on hot days.

Jaguars have large, strong jaws and excellent night vision. Their strong jaws help them pierce the skulls of their prey. Because jaguars often kill their prey with one bite to the back of the head, they are called "occipital crunchers."

Good night vision is a must for jaguars that live in dark forests. Their retinas have a special reflective layer and are comprised of many rod cells. Jaguars also have large pupils. All of these features make it easier for jaguars to hunt at night and see their prey in dark hunting areas.

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14y ago

All Palm trees and plants must be placed in an environment that meets their basic requirements:

Day length. Day length is usually the most critical factor in regulating vegetative and Palm Tree growth, flower initiation and development, and the induction of dormancy. A Palm Tree thrives only when the day length promotes their growth and prepares them for the seasonal changes.

Radiation. Most plants respond to radiation in the 270- to 3000-nm region. Cloudy, rainy days coupled with the shade provided by nearby plants and structures can significantly reduce the amount of radiation available. Palm Tree and plants survive only where the amount is within a specified range.

Temperature. Plants and Palm Trees grow best within an optimum range of temperatures; and the range may be wide for some species, narrow for others. Plants survive only where temperatures allow them to metabolize.

Frost. Palm Tree and plants differ in ability to survive frost, their responses varying from immediate death to sustained performance. The previous environmental and cultural conditions of plants can often shift, but not permanently alter, their tolerance to freezing. Plants and Palms survive only when they are adapted to subfreezing weather.

Heat. The thermal cutoff temperature varies widely from Palm Tree species to species. By tradition we group plants into sun, partial sun, and shade types and plant them according to their light and heat tolerances.

Rainfall.Gardeners need to know how much water a landscape plant and Palm Tree require in determining its usability in low maintenance landscapes. Rainfall gardening often greatly limits which Palm species can be used successfully. Gardeners also need to know how much and how often to water plants in high maintenance landscapes.

pH. The ability of a Palm tree and plant roots to take up water and nutrients depends on the pH (measure of acidity or alkalinity), presence of soluble and insoluble salts, and aeration of the growing medium. The successful culture of all plant and Palm Tree species requires that they be grown in a medium within a definite pH range and with from 10 to 14 essential nutrients in appropriate balance. Although plants and Palms may tolerate some extraneous elements and compounds, every plant amd Palm Tree species and cultivar has well prescribed limits.

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14y ago

cause there is water deep underground near oasis

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12y ago

Palm trees in the desert usually live near oasis and collect there water from there

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