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Typically several hours to about a day after contact with the poison ivy plant (the leaves or the vine) or oil from the plant.

Note that you can get a poison ivy rash if someone who is not sensitive touches the plant and then gets urushiol (the oil that causes a reaction in some people to poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac) on your skin. You can even get a poison ivy rash from petting your dog or cat after it has brushed up against a poison ivy plant. Also note that the vines and the leaves can contain urushiol long after the plant has died, and burning poison ivy foliage can release the urushiol into the air, potentially causing a poison ivy rash on the inside of your lungs.

If you know that you have come in contact with poison ivy but have not yet developed the rash, you may be able to prevent or reduce the rash by washing in cold water with special soap that binds to the urushiol. However, washing in warm or hot water will spread the urushiol across a larger area of skin.

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12y ago

small bubbles everywhere.... then if you got a lot of it on you they can get BIG! (try Google images)

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Ivy leaf is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a leaf that gives you a bad itchy rash.

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poison ivy is posinos and a allgric rashan.

How can you tell you have poison ivy?

Poison ivy can cause a red, itchy rash with bumps or blisters. The rash often appears in streaks or patches where the plant's leaves brushed against the skin. If you suspect you have come in contact with poison ivy, wash the affected area with soap and water as soon as possible and seek medical attention if the rash is severe.

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is my poison ivy helpful?

no it puts a rash into your skin

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A rash.

Is poison ivy important?

poison ivy is very important!! if you touch it or anything it gives you an itchy rash like feeling.

If you don't rash during poison ivy is anything going to happen?

Not necessarily, some people are not affected by poison ivy

Is poison ivy a bacteria?

No. It is a plant; a flowering vine which is toxic and causes a severe rash when it touches the skin. Bacteria are microscopic organisms, and they can cause problems too, but they are different from poison ivy.

What is the name of the skin irritant in poison ivy?

Poison ivy rash is caused by a sensitivity to an irritant found in poison ivy and similar toxic plants, such as poison oak and poison sumac. Each of these plants contains an oily resin called urushiol (u-ROO-she-ol) that can irritate the skin and cause a rash.

Can a plant cause a rash?

yes, poison ivy can cause a rash when it makes contact with skin

Can you go exercise with a rash or poison ivy?

yes! I'm used to it