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just like tap water

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Q: How does bottled water affect bean plant growth?
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Which is better bottled water or tap water for plant growth?

I have heard that bottled water is better for plant growth because tap water has too much iron in it.

Does Tab water affect the growth of a plant?

tab water is like ordanary water but it comes from pipes. but no tab water doesn't affect the growth of a plant

Does bottled water chemicals have that help plants grow?

NO,The water are acidic in pH which effect the plant growth rate.

Can water affect plant growth?


Does hot water affect plant growth?

it takes about 700 mls of hot water to affect a plant from growing

What affect does salt water have on plant growth?

Slow down growth

Does hotter water affect plant growth?


Does to much water affect plant growth?

In My Bum

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Does swamp water affect plant growth?

Not much of anything.

How does water and light affect plant growth?

Makes it big!

Does any other liquid affect plant growth?

Yes, there are other liquids besides water that can affect plant growth. For example, fertilizers can provide essential nutrients to support plant growth, while certain chemicals or toxins can harm plants and inhibit their growth. It's important to carefully consider the composition and impact of any liquid applied to plants.