screw it look at::
There are three ways to reproduce. The first reproduction is by using 'seed', the second way of reproduction is 'division of roots', and the third way of reproduction is called 'cutting layers'. In warm and sunny time rosemary use ‘seed reproduction’.
rosemary in Telugu
Rosemary is a shrub. The herb can be collected from wild rosemary or farmed rosemary.
rosemary ke patte.
you can use fresh rosemary by making rosemary tea or by putting rosemary on some foods
Rosemary is a herb not found in India and is known as rosemary itself.
If you mean in "Rosemary's Baby," Rosemary was played by Mia Farrow.
Rosemary Lane's birth name is Mullican, Rosemary.
Rosemary is a name.
Rosemary = Lokemali
rosemary can kill a horse
Hope Rosemary's birth name is Hope Rosemary Brown.
Rosemary Rotondi's birth name is Rosemary Ann Rotondi.