It was adapted to the biome, it has leaves that helps it survive extreme weathersThe Plant is commonly found in dry, non-nutrient soils. (like the arctic)
bears and humans
Bearberry, arctic moss, caribou moss
The Tundra has a lot of plant life within this biome. Some common plants include the bearberry, arctic moss, Caribou moss, Diamond leaf willow, Labrador Tea, Pasque Flower, and the Tufted Saxifrage. The animals in the tundra eat these plants to survive and gain energy to stay warm. Some plants are useful for humans. The plants adapt by growing short and close to the ground to avoid high winds. Hairy stems also keep plants warm in the tundra. The bearberry is a plant with red berries and green leaves. This plant survives in this biome by staying close to the ground to avoid high winds. Hairy stems to help keep safe from the extreme temperatures Owls and birds in the tundra eat the berries on the plant. The bearberry isn't found in any other biome. The bearberry is the most common plant in the tundra.
Bearberry plants are adapted to dry, rocky soil conditions and do not require much water to survive. They are drought-tolerant and can typically survive on natural rainfall without additional watering once established. Overwatering can actually harm bearberry plants by promoting root rot.
lichen, moss, bearberry are all very popular amongst the arctic regions
They survive from food and hunting.
Polar Bears can survive better in the cold tundra.
It's too cold for tundra in Antarctica; there are no plants that can survive the cold to develop into tundra.
They can hunt animals to survive.
by taken dicc