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I see you care about animals too. I am a animal-hugger and think zebras get their stripes as a genetic thing, they are born with stripes. The stripes are developed in the mother's womb, and become more prominent as they age.

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14y ago

They were born with them, through the process of genetics and their species type.

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Q: How do zebras get their stripes?
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Related questions

Do zebras have black strips or white strips?

Zebras have black and white stripes.

Do some zebras not have stripes?

No all zebras have stripes if they didn't they wouldn't be a zebra

Do zebras have black or white stripes on their bodies?

Zebras have black stripes on their bodies.

Are zebras white horses that paint on their black stripes?

No,zebras are in the horse family, but are not horses..They are born with their stripes.

Are zebras stripes horizontal or vertical?

Zebras have stripes that are primarily horizontal, running from their neck to their rump.

What is a zebras apearence?

A zebra is stripy and resembles a horse. Its stripes are black and white and every zebras stripes are different

What color are a zebras stripes?

Zebras's stripes are brown and white and black and white

Are zebras white in black stripes or black in white stripes?

They are white in black stripes.

How do female zebras attract male zebras?

By it's attractive stripes.

What are some variations in the zebras population?

In the zebra population there are variation in the stripes. Genes are responsible for variation in their stripes and there are no two zebras that are alike.

Do zebras have the same stripes as others?


What were the white stripes influences?
