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The roots and their hairs reach into the soil to absorb nutrients. Capillary action of water induces the absorption.

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Q: How do you think this plant obtains nutrients from the soil?
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No, algae do not consume grass as a food source. Algae are primary producers that obtain nutrients through photosynthesis. Grass, on the other hand, is a plant that obtains nutrients from the soil.

What is the rootless plant?

A rootless plant is a type of plant that does not have roots to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Instead, it obtains what it needs directly from its environment or from other plants. These plants have unique adaptations to survive in areas where traditional root systems are not possible.

Why is rich soil valuable?

Rich soil is good because it has nutrients. If the plant gets nutrients the plant will grow.

How does a plant give nutrients back into the soil?

The microbial degradation of plant residues give nutrients back into the soil

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Mimosa pudica is a plant and does not "eat" in the same way animals do. It obtains nutrients from the soil through its roots and undergoes photosynthesis to produce its own food. It can thrive in various soil types but prefers well-draining, nutrient-rich soil.

What is nutrient balancing?

in nature, decaying plant parts add nutrients to soil, while plant roots take some nutrients out of the soil.

What kind of abiotic factor are the nutrients in soil?

Nutrients in soil are considered abiotic factors. They serve as essential elements for plant growth and ecosystem functioning, influencing plant productivity and the composition of plant communities.

Would nutrients in the soil be an adaptation?

Nutrients in the soil come from decaying plant and animal matter, not adaptation.

Name a fleshy plant without chlorophyll?

Indian pipe (Monotropa uniflora) is a fleshy, non-photosynthetic plant that lacks chlorophyll. It obtains nutrients through a mycorrhizal relationship with fungi in the soil.

What anchors a plant in the soil and absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?

its roots

The part of the plant that absorbs water and nutrients is the?

Roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil for the plant.

What do soil minerals do for plants?

Soil minerals act as nutrients for the plant. When the plant sends out roots, the roots soak up the nutrients and use them to grow. Soil minerals also do what fertilizer does.