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There is no way to tell if an oak tree is male or female. This is because they produce both male and female flowers and fruit and are monoecious. Small bulbs develop on the branches which will develop into either an acorn or a flower.

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11y ago

Oak trees don't have two separate sexes. Both male and female flowers will be present on each tree. Some trees do have two distinct sexes. For those species, the trees that produce seeds are the females.

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No oak trees have acorns.

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An acorn comes from an oak tree. Oak trees produce acorns, which are a type of nut that serves as a seed for the oak tree to reproduce.

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No, Oak trees do not have eggs and sperm. Trees grow through seeds which fall from parent trees and they do not reproduce with mates.

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Oak and maple trees are examples of deciduous trees, which are trees that shed their leaves annually.

Can you graft oak trees?

Yes. Oak trees can be grafted the same way fruit trees are grafted.