The flame lily or gloriosaFlame Lily
Flame Lily
Flame Lily
The English name for the joba flower is "flame lily."
Bangladesh the water lilyEthiopia the calla lily Finland the Lily of the valleyGuyana the Water lilyItaly a stylised lilyKazakhstan (unofficially) lilySriLankathe blue water lilyYugoslavia the lily of the valleyZimbabwe the flame lilyType your answer here Sri Lanka
Zambia's national flower is the bougainvillea,
You can prune it but the symmetrical shape that makes it attractive will be wrecked. If you do prune only tip prune.
Prune is just another word for 'cutting' i.e you cut your hair but prune a plant. So prune is to cut shorter.
A plum or a prune
yes a prune is a dried plum
in telugu prune is :all behara :
'Prune' as noun in Hindi: 'sookhi hui ber' or 'jamun'. As verb: to prune - 'chhantna, anavashyak hissa hatana' or 'katna'.