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There are a number of ways to kills weeds. The best method and hardest to do, is to pull the weeds from the ground keeping the roots intact. This prevents the plants from continuing to grow and from spreading more seeds. Another method is to use chemical weed killer you can buy at most hardware stores. They come in power or liquid form, some of which is safe to use with grass, others will kill all plants. To prevent weeds from reoccuring make sure to remove all the weeds and then place down some mulch to prevent the seeds from reaching the soil, but mainly to keep the moisture in and protect the plants you intend to keep.

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15y ago
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14y ago

The best way to kill a weed is digging it up. Using bleach, or weed chemicals can kill the weeds, but they cause a problem. The chemicals sink into the ground, into underground lakes, kills the fishes or seeps into the ocean, causing a bigger problem, so the other best way is to pull them out, but never use chemicals. They cause a problem in nature.

If you insist on dumping something on it, try vinegar. It has worked wonders for me for the weeds in the concrete cracks I can't seem to pull out. Just wait until the soil is dry, then pour enough vinegar to saturate the root. Unlike salt, vinegar will dissipate in a few days.

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14y ago

Repotting may be the best solution. You have weeds in your houseplants, because you have weed seeds in the soil. Houseplants that are exposed to outside air may bring seeds back when they overwinter indoors. It requires great patience, keen eyesight, and meticulous attention to detail to try to remove all weed roots and seeds from containers.

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14y ago

The only way I know how to kill weeds will kill the grass too.use some round up.

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14y ago

There are chemical products at your local store, formulated to kill weeds and unwanted things in your lawn!

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14y ago

the most common and domestic form of killing weeds is a product called roundup.

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10y ago

better put weedicides

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15y ago

put bleach on it

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12y ago

use an axe

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Q: How do you kill weeds and grass?
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You can kill Broadleaf weeds in weeing love grass with 24d without harming the LG...I havent found a chemical to kill grassy weeds in love grass yet.

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Selective weedkillers will only kill the targeted weeds. Total weedkillers will kill all green plants. Therefore if the weedkiller does not kill grass but other weeds in the grass, it is a selective weedkiller.

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will to kill weeds you can go to home depot and get weeds spray and spray in on or around the weeds and there you go .

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Grass will not grow wild and kill weed in hot or cold environments. Weeds will often choke out healthy grass in any temperature.

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There is certain types of grass that kill plants, but normal yard grass will not, it also depends on the plants. But usually its the weeds that kill the plants, not the grass.

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I use Atrazine. It is real effective for dollarweed and other broadleaf weeds.

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How do you kill a plant?

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