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You first have to either have the strawberry seeds or the plant itself.

Strawberry Seeds:

1. need a medium soil, because strawberry plants prefer a well drained soil.

2. Plant the seeds evenly in the pot or garden (in or outside).

3. Water it with a mist (garden hose) or with a watering can.

4. when the plant reaches about 2 to 4 inches high you want to fertilize it with a fertilizer. (preferably a liquid fertilizer) or you can make your own fertilizer from you simple household items.

5. Make sure when you plant the seeds it is in a warm sunny spot.

6. As it grows if it shows signs of yellow leaves or flowers that don't have the strawberry or no flowers at all but green, that means you need to fertilize it the safest fertilizer is 10-10-10.

Strawberry plant:

1. when you plant the strawberry plant you want to make sure that the plant is not too high and not too low.

2. plant the strawberry plant in a sunny location with medium soil that is well drained.

3. water regularly on a regular basis with a mist from a garden hose or a watering can.

4. make sure you give the plant the proper fertilizer the safest fertilizer is 10-10-10.

5. the signs of when a strawberry plant needs fertilizer is when:

a) yellow leaves but is watered regularly

b) flowers without the actual strawberry

c) no flowers at all!

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Q: How do you grow strawberry plants?
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Do strawberry plants grow in the sun or shade?

The sun.

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Do strawberry roots grow down or out?

Yes they do grow down, they can also create 'suckers' that are self rooting side plants

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Birds can help strawberry plants by consuming pests like insects that may damage the plants. In return, the strawberry plants provide birds with fruits as a food source. Additionally, birds can help with pollination, aiding in the reproduction of the plants.

Can strawberry plants grow up?

No, it is a very droopy plant.h That being said it can often be found in hanging planters.

Fruits that dont grow on trees?

Pepper does not grow on trees, strawberry's don't grow on trees, and neither do a lot of berries.

Where do strawberries grow on the strawberry plant?

A strawberry grows on a small, low to the ground plant. Almost like a ground cover. It sends out runners to propigate new plants. The first answer is correct but there is a tree called the Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo).which bears strawberry like fruits, but they are not strawberries.

How tall do strawberry plants grow?

It only takes about 4 weeks for blackberries to grow. This is of course if the bush is already established.

What is used for a strawberry plant to make a new strawberry plant?

Strawberry plants are propogated by runners. A long shoot will grow out from the plant and it will root where the tip touches the soil. After it has rooted well it can be cut off and lifted and moved to its growing position.

Can you grow a strawberry plant in a planter?

Yes you can grow strawberries in a planter. You will have to be more careful about getting it enough water and fertilizer to keep it growing and producing. It is recommended to use a self-watering planter if you are going to attempt growing strawberry plants in a container.

Can you plant strawberry seeds?

The average strawberry has 200 seeds on it, but it depends on the size of it. Obviously if the strawberry is larger there will be more and if there is a smaller-sized strawberry it will be a lesser amount of strawberry seeds. From Hailz :)

What are the plants called that grow strawberrys?

It's just a strawberry plant, just like a tree that produces apples is an apple tree.