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In order to repel ants from a fruit producing tree, your best solution is to catch them on there way up the trunk. A great way to do this is to stick a piece of paper to the trunk with a sticky substance on it, such as petroleum jelly. They also sell products specifically for trapping ants. This will not allow the ants to make it to the branches where the fruit is being produced.

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10y ago
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15y ago

I have read that the ants are "harvesting" aphids in the tree. I read to spray tree with soapy water to remove ants and aphids. Then wrap Duct Tape backwards (sticky side out) toghly at tree base to stops ants. I am in the process of doing this now. Good luck as some of my first peaches have little holes in them with sap coming out.

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12y ago

Well ant traps are a very dear thing these days. So i would recomend using a vanish oxy action and spray the ants from your peach trees. And while you are spraying them, shout ( DIE MODA ****** )

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Q: How do you get ants off a dwarf peach tree?
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