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Adding more brown, carbon-rich materials and monitoring watering schedules are ways to fix moldy compost. Moldy compost may not necessarily be bad since beneficial bacteria and fungi help account for its presence while they break down compostables and recyclables. But at the same time, it may reveal overwatering since compostables should not be waterlogged and should showcase moisture levels consistent to that of a wrung-out sponge.

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Q: How do you fix moldy compost?
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It all depends on the amount the dog ate. Depending on the constituents of the moldy pile, the dog could have seizures, kidney failure, liver failure, etc. You should contact your local vet if you have concerns.

Why is compost moldy?

Compost only is moldy when proper procedure isn't followed. For the breakdown of compostable materials requires certain levels of air, moisture, and temperature; and the regular turning of the pile. Mold may result from the failure to meet and keep the appropriate air, moisture and temperature levels; and from the failure to turn the pile regularly. Properly processed compostable materials end up as dark brown, fresh-smelling, organic material-rich soil.

Can soil with compost help peas produce more?

Yes. We can assume that soil with compost will help everything grow better, but with peas and other legumes, compost is essential. The reason is that legumes are plants that incorporate soil bacteria in their roots in order to fix nitrogen. These bacteria are found in compost. If you don't have compost, you can order nitrogen fixing bacteria from many organic companies. They are sold as Garden Soil Inoculant from for 8.95

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Can perfume go moldy?

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Do people ever get moldy?

No, people do not get moldy.

Is moldy an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb. Moldy is an adjective.

What is the difference between compost pile and compost pit?

A compost pile is compost in a pile or heap. a compost pit is compost in a pit or hole in the ground.

How are moldy mushy peas made?

moldy mushy peas are made by mushin moldy mushy peas

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Why do moldy bread smell?

because it's moldy