No. Sunflowers grow both male and female parts and reproduce sexually.
sunflowers daisies tillandsias corn apple trees
because they can reproduce with the help of male plants and pollen.
Sunflowers reproduce by large seeds that form in the center of their flowerhead.
Sunflowers= Brownish seeds blow off the flower in the wind and the seeds fall to the soil. Pine Trees= Pine cones expel seeds which fall to the soil.
NO, it is a flower not a person a flower can not be bisexual. Sorry if this answer is wrong. :) .Cambri Jennys.
Well, honey, a fern and a sunflower are both plants, so there's your similarity right there. But if you want specifics, ferns reproduce through spores and don't produce flowers or seeds like sunflowers do. So, while they both soak up that sweet sunshine, they do it in their own unique ways.
sunflowers sunflowers and me
It is about sunflowers.
sunflowers sunflowers
About a vase of sunflowers.
Sunflowers do not have predators.