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Aye-ayes help keep wood-burrowing insect populations in check. They can also pollinate large flowers for palm trees.

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Q: How do aye ayes help the environment?
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Related questions

What type of environment are aye ayes in?

the aye aye live in Madagascar. they live in the Madagascan forest

Where do ayes ayes live?

aye aye live in Madagascar

Are aye-ayes lemurs?

Yes, aye-ayes are lemurs.

A group of Aye ayes is called?

a Munt of aye-ayes

How many teeth do aye-ayes have?

Aye-ayes have exactly sixteen (16) teeth, unless they have lost teeth, are mutants, or are not aye-ayes.

How do aye aye's mate?

Mating can last as much as an hour in aye-ayes. Male aye-ayes fight for dominance when courting a female aye-aye.

What is a aye-aye like?

aye-ayes are a wierd lookin animal but it is in danger help the darn thing it lives in Madagascar

Do aye aye migrate?

No, aye-ayes do no migrate.

Are the aye ayes extinct?

Aye ayes will be extinct in less than 105 years.

Why do aye ayes live in a rainforest's?

Aye-Ayes are prosimian primates and are native to Madagascar.

Why are aye-ayes poached?

Aye-ayes are mostly killed out of fear, because people think they are evil spirits or a bad omen. In some places where aye-ayes are not feared or the people are desperately hungry, aye-ayes are also killed for food.

Are aye-ayes monkeys?

No, aye-ayes are a type of lemur from Madagascar. Lemurs are not monkeys, but they are primates.