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Both are living things.

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Laurie Hammes

Lvl 13
2y ago
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12y ago

they are both related to plants. they are both living things.

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11y ago

Both are living things.

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Q: How are mushroom and seaweeds alike?
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What plant is like a mushroom or sea weeds?

Flowerless plants : ferns, mushrooms, mosses, lichens, and seaweeds are all alike.

Of other living things like seaweeds and mushroom?

Of other living things like the mushroom and seaweeds?

What are the differences of seaweeds and mushroom?

they are not different

How are they different mushroom and seaweed?

Mushroom is a Fungi while Seaweeds is an algae.

What other living things like mushroom and seaweeds?


Of other living things like the mushroom and the seaweed?

Of other living things like the mushroom and seaweeds?

What is the difference between mushrooms and seaweeds?

mushroom is a fungi while seaweed is a algae

How are mushroom alike to seaweed?

They both have chlorophyll. jokes!

How mushrooms and seaweeds alike?

they are both related to plants. they are both living things.

Is Lato and Mushroom have alike living things?

bwesit by:pab2x

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How are mushroom and algae alike?

Mushroom and green algae are both lower forms of organisms, that is, they don't have developed cell organization and vasculature.