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Q: Grasses and shrubs growing in an untended field are an example of?
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Related questions

What is an example of vegetation?

Plants. Trees, shrubs, grasses, vegetables, flowers, etc.

What does a zebra eat accept grass and hay?

they eat shrubs and grasses they eat shrubs and grasses

Are grasses considered shrubs?

No, grasses are not shrubs.Specifically, the plant in question (Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, and Poaceae families) generally are considered herbaceous plants. Scientists classify shrubs as woody plants along with trees. The leaves and stems of the herbaceous plants generally die at the end of the growing season whereas the stems and trunks of woody plants continue growing.

What do wilbeast eat?

Grasses and shrubs.

Do impalas eat shrubs?

yes. they eat shrubs, grasses, herbs and leaves

Why are grasses and shrubs are important to rangelands?

Grasses and shrubs provide food and shelter for animals. They also provide a way to hold the soil from erosion.

Has a dry climate with grasses and shrubs?


What is an example of a desert producer?

There are a variety of grasses, shrubs and trees, annuals and perennials as well as succulents that are producers in the desert.

What food do you get from yak?

Grasses, sedges, herbs, mosses and shrubs

When does the yak eat?

Whenever they can on grasses, sedges, shrubs and herbs

What are producers in the desert?

Producers in the desert are the same as everywhere else, they are organisms that produce their own food such as plants and trees. Some examples of desert producers would be cacti, shrubsan desert grass.

What is the food for rhino?

mostly short shrubs and trees and grasses in their habitat