Sweet pea, sunflower, salvia, snowball and snapdragon are flowers. They begin with the letter S.
Snapdragon, Soldaster and Sweet Pea are flowers. They begin with the letter S.
Yes, the Sunflower.
Sweet Pea and Salvia are flowers. Soldaster is a flower.
Here are some flowers that begin with the letter S:SafflowerSagittariaSaintpauliaSalixSalviaSanguinariaSansevieriaSantolinaSaponariaSarraceniaSaxifragaScabiosaScillaSea lavenderSedumShasta daisyShell flowersSnapdragonSnowballSoldasterSolidagoSolidasterSpider lilySpider mumsStachysStanhopeaStaticeStephanotisStreptocarpusSunflowerSweet peaSword fern
sabatia angularis
Oleander, omithoalum and orchid are flowers. They begin with the letter o.
Flowers that begin with the letter n:narcissusnasturtiumnerineNew Guinea impatiensnicotiananierembergia
Here are some flowers that begin with the letter G:GaillardiaGardeniaGazaniaGentianGeraldton WaxGeraniumGerberaGerbera DaisyGermander SpeedwellGermaniumGilly FlowerGladiolaGladiolusGlobeflowerGloxiniaGodetiaGoldenrodGrevilleaGumamelaGuzmaniaGypsophilaGypsophilla
Magnolia, marigold, morning glory and mums are flowers. They begin with the letter M.