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Q: Explain how the profit on incomplete concecpt is determined?
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How is price determined?

Cost of the item + Desired Profit = price.

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The four cases that explain the fulfillment of any manager goal regarding the profit.

How is profit determined?

Depends on how much $ u make the item and $ get back from it.

The concept of competitive advantage is as important for non-profit organizations as it is for?

"The concept of competitive advantage is as important for non-profit organizations as it is for profit organizations". Do you agree with this statement or not? Explain with examples to justify your answer. "The concept of competitive advantage is as important for non-profit organizations as it is for profit organizations". Do you agree with this statement or not? Explain with examples to justify your answer.

What are explanation of maximization of shareholders profit?

explain how to make the most money (profit) for stock owners of a company. A return on their investment.

How do I Find the incremental profit or loss?

The incremental profit or loss is the change in profit or loss over the designated time period. After calculating the profit or loss, for example on a monthly basis, the delta between that and the average monthly profit or loss from the prior year can be determined.

How is the size of a commission determined in car selling jobs?

The size of a commission for car salesmen is calculated by the profit of the vehicle. The salesman gets a percentage of the profit of the vehicle.

How are profit and revenue related?

They are not related. Let me briefly explain: You could sell a million dollars and make zero profit. The best way for you to look at that profit is different than cash.

How does the cost of business funds determined?

by knowing how much u spend and how much profit u make

How are dividends determined?

Dividends are determined by the board of directors/owners of the company. usually it is based on the amount of profit the company has made in that particular quarter/half year/financial year.