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Q: Does the Bahamas have palm trees?
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What is the chief natural resources of the Bahamas?

salt fish coco nuts palm trees agronite ect.

What type of banana trees grow in the Bahamas?

no banana trees grow in the bahamas but there is some BANANNA TREES that grow in the bahamas

What is the collective for palm trees?

The collective noun for palm trees is a grove of palm trees.

What kind of plants are located in the Bahamas?

There are several kinds of plants that grow in the Bahama Islands. They have thick, flowery vines, palm trees, allamandas, and bougainvilleas.

What types of trees grow in the Bahamas?

Some of the common trees that grow in the Bahamas include coconut palms, royal poinciana, mahogany, casuarina, and Caribbean pine. These trees are well adapted to the tropical climate of the Bahamas and can be found throughout the islands.

Is there palm trees in Maine?

No. There is not palm trees in the state of Maine. It's to cold for them.

Do lagoons have palm trees?

No. Palm trees grow on land, not in the water.

Are palm trees Non-vascular or vascular?

All palm trees are vascular plants. Some palm trees bear fruit such as the coconut palm tree and the date palm tree.

What are the resources in Bahamas?


Are apricots grown on trees?

Peaches never grow on palm trees. Only coconuts and palm nuts grow from palm trees.

Are palm trees multicellular?

Palm trees are multicellular

Do all islands have palm trees?

No, not all islands have palm trees. Islands can have a variety of vegetation depending on their climate and location. Palm trees are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions.