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Q: Does lawn sand kill weeds especially dandelion?
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Should you kill weeds before or after you mow the lawn?

After you mow.

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Does kitty litter kill weeds?

No, kitty litter will not kill grass. However, by dumping kitty litter in your lawn, it will make a mess.

Will the dandelion bar kill dandelions?

I used a dandelion bar this year because I couldn't find any 2,4 D weed and feed in my city anymore (maybe a good thing). Anyhow, I went with the weed bar and dragged it around my lawn twice this year. I found that it did a great job of killing just about all weeds, but did not get rid of the clover as well as the weed and feed that I had used in the past.

Why can you spray an herbicide in your lawn and only kill the weeds?

That it is a target weed-killer describes why herbicide can be sprayed in a lawn and only kill the weeds. Herbicides have active and inert ingredients, with some of the former controlling specific weeds and nothing else. Active ingredients function effectively when they leave minimal or no impacts, excluding their targets, on the environment and its animal, people and plant occupants.

Can you recommend a weed killer that is safe to use on your lawn but does not act as a feed for the lawn?

Boiling Water I've never tried boiling water but I suspect that this will only kill the leaves leaving the root intact. If you don't kill the root the weed will re-grow. The solution will depend on whether you are treating broadleaf weeds (Dandelion) or grassy weeds. I would recommend products like Ortho Weed-B-Gone which comes in different types. You can spray directly on the weed without damaging the grass. Or you can use a spreader to evenly spread granular weed killer on your lawn. I think the reason some products are a combination of weed killer and fertilizer is that the fertilizer helps promote a healthier, fuller lawn which in turn chokes out weeds. For more on this you can go to sites lke Scott's - see link below

Name something people remove from their lawn?

Grass, Lawn knob, and Weeds

Lawn Weed Control ?

form_title= Lawn Weed Control form_header= Keep unwanted weeds out of your lawn with help from the experts. How long have you been experiencing weed problems?*= _ [50] What type of weeds do you have on your lawn?*= _ [50] Are you willing to use chemicals to get rid of the weeds ?*= () Yes () No

What lawn care can you recommend that won't hurt my pets?

Frequent mowing is one way to keep the weeds under control. To remove the weeds, corn gluten can be applied to the lawn. It will not harm pets or people but will prevent the emergence of weeds.

Are weed stems hollow?

First of all, lets define a "Weed". A Weed is ANY plant that is in an undesirable location, so a Rose in the middle of your lawn could be a weed, or grass in your Rose Garden could be a weed. You probably picked a Dandelion and noticed that the stem was hollow. Dandelion & Golden Rod are 2 examples of plants with hollow stems. These are exceptions, not typical. Some common lawn & garden weeds are; Dandelion, Chicory, Clover, Oxalis (which looks like Clover & tastes like sour apples), Plantain (which looks like a cross between Dandelion & Chicory), Mouse-Eared Chickweed, Fennel & Violets. I'm using W. PA as an example. Hope this helps, Kevlarster a weed is ANY undesirable plant. all plants can be considered weeds. it has nothing to do with LOCATION.

How do I block my lawn from unwanted pests and weeds?

To block unwanted pests and weeds from your lawn, you can use natural methods like planting pest-repelling plants, maintaining healthy soil, and regularly mowing and watering your lawn. You can also use organic pesticides and herbicides as a last resort. Additionally, creating physical barriers like fences or mulch can help prevent pests and weeds from invading your lawn.

Which brand of lawn fertilizer works best at keeping dandelions away?

Powdered corn gluten meal pre-emergent is the best dandelion control method. It comes in a powder and you spead on your lawn and no dandelion will spring up in the spring.