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i think fertile soil is good for growing plant?

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Q: Does fertile soil or dirt soil good for growing plants?
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because the land is fertile and its good for plants

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Fertile soil provides essential nutrients and minerals for plants to grow, supports beneficial soil organisms, and enables good drainage and water retention. This results in healthier plant growth, increased crop yields, and overall better soil health.

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The importance of the deserts are..- Deserts are fertile for animals & plants. *Fertile: good place to live

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plants themselves hold no real heat the dirt does

What is dirt good for?

Growing things in, Land fill, making dams, the cleaning industry.New Answer:Dirt is the root of vitamins and minerals. Without it, every animal would suffer from anemia and those who rely on plants to survive would die of malnutrition. There is dirt beneath everyone's feet, and the dirt covers the land part of Earth. Without dirt, plants, animals, and the food chain wouldn't survive or exist.